Choosing A Life Path
Choosing A Life Path
How prepared were U for life when U left your parents’ home and went out on your own? Maybe U went to college first, then out into the world, or maybe U went right into the workforce and started earning a living. How did U want your life story to go back then? I would guess that U have learned a lot about life and about yourself since then. Do U wish U had taken a little more time to think about your future and plan a few things before starting out? What do U tell you children about planning and about thinking and having a strategy for their lives’?
The company I founded, LifeLongU™, creates and distributes guides, workbooks and some videos which are designed to help U develop yourself into the person U want to become by helping U define who U will be as the main character in your own life story. We realize that everyone is on a path in life, but maybe not a path that includes continual self-development and improvement to becoming a better person and learning to do things they may not yet be able to do. This takes planning, usually some education or training and also some specific action.