The Best Man You May Ever Meet
When you meet any man for the first time, have you ever considered you might have just met one of the best men you may ever meet in your life? What about when they walk away after meeting you, do you think they might be wondering that very thought about you? Is it possible, did either of you just meet one of the best men you may ever meet? Have you been trying to be such a man; a real genuine role model for others? Where would you meet such a man? Would you meet him in the places you frequent? Take a minute and think about that?
I wrote this blog for my male readers, but my female readers may find it interesting as well. A genuine man needs to ask these types of questions about himself. In this day and age a man needs to have a high level of integrity mixed with strong moral values and actually live by them. This makes him who he is and is no easy task to live by. In the story of King Arthur’s court, you hear about the Knights of the Round Table and how honorable they were or tried to be? Would you be able to live up to their code of values? Can you be one of the best men someone may ever meet, a knight of the round table? Wouldn’t you like to be part of this group of men?
The world seems to be filling up with men that think it is okay to lie, cheat, steal and behave dishonorably for the sake of getting ahead in business or in life. After all, as long as you really don’t hurt anyone, this behavior seems to be somewhat okay to some men, or at least it appears that they feel the gains out way the risks of getting caught or found out about. Others may see you and although they may not say anything, they will certainly think less of you and that should mean something, shouldn’t it? Even if no one sees your behavior, you and the Lord will know what you did. What does that do to your self- esteem, honor or soul long-term?
It is not easy to be the best man that someone else may ever meet. The best man you will ever meet is thoughtful and kind to his family, friends, neighbors as well as strangers. He turns the other cheek when affronted; yet he still knows when to stand up for himself or others who are in need. The best man you will ever meet knows that chivalry is not dead, that women should be treated with respect and dignity. He knows women are to be placed first, held high and honored by a man. He knows that women and men are not equal, that each has unique characteristics that far exceed the other sex in many circumstances, and this is okay. He knows that this would be like comparing apples and oranges and by saying they are equal or one is better than the other. The best man you will ever meet knows his priorities and keeps them straight. He places God first, takes care of his family next while making sure he is healthy and well-balanced in mind, body and soul so he can strive to be one of the best men you will ever meet. The best man you will ever meet is humble, he knows where his blessings come from, is thankful for them, but is also confident and uses his God-given abilities to their fullest in everything he does. He tries to follow and uphold God’s laws, nature’s laws and the laws of man, which can be very difficult at times.
For years I have been telling my son and daughter that when facing a tough challenge in life, look at all possible solutions and 9 times out of 10, the tougher path will be the path they should choose. That path when taken should solve their challenge and make them a stronger person for having traveled it. When you commit to something, commit to it; when you give your word, stand by it; respect yourself and others will respect you and when faced with tough challenges, explore possibilities and strongly consider taking the tougher path and be better for it.
The world is full of men that are in leadership roles today, roles that many others look up to and admire. Men from the entertainment industry in Hollywood, men in sports, men in politics, men in business and men in religion; all these men have many followers because of their position in life and need to set a good example. Regardless of your position in life, you still need to set an example, you never really know who is watching you, what they might be thinking or what effect you being their role model might have on their life.
You never know who you might meet today that may walk away thinking you were one of the best men they have ever met. Make sure to be that man.
Gary Kiecker
I strive to practice and live up to what I write about and hope it helps others online to do the same…
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