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What “Life Story are you creating for yourself?  

How can it be improved now and in your future?

Your “Life Story” is well under way and should fit somewhere on the life story timeline image shown above.  It will continue until complete, and none of us know how long that will be.  However, we do know that your past is part of your history, your circumstances right now today are your life’s current reality, and your time remaining is unused and holds your future hopes, dreams and possibilities.  Why not plan and make sure your future desires and goals become part of your current reality?  By better controlling what you experience in life and when you experience it, those life experiences can become part of who you are.  The choices you make now can impact your future life story dramatically, so take time, plan and make good choices, and work your plan.

Imagine, right now your life could be changed forever by deciding to create an actual Strategy For Your Life™.  By simply following some simple steps which can help define you and the life story you want your future to become, you can define a Strategy For Your Life™ showing you the path to accomplish what you want your life story to be.

What Choices Are Right For You? 

How will you know what choices are right for you unless you take some time to explore what you want your life story to become.  Keep in mind, your future passes by with each new day.  Thankfully, none of us have to start at zero, we do have a past history to build on, no matter what that history is.  We all have gained knowledge and have lived through experiences, some good, some not so good.  However they have formed our beliefs about ourselves and about life.  LifeLongU™ refers to this as Lifetime Intelligence™.

We created a simple equation to help show how we gain Lifetime Intelligence™:

Our program materials help you determine what Lifetime Intelligence™ you currently have and what you may need to help you become the person you see yourself becoming in your future.  It’s a pretty straight forward formula: since birth, you have acquired all different types of knowledge, some planned, some unplanned.  The same can be said about your life experiences, which have left you with many emotions and memories.  Together your knowledge and experiences have formed your current beliefs and over your lifetime, all this combined is your total Lifetime Intelligence™.

If you do not add new knowledge or plan to have new experiences, your Lifetime Intelligence™ will pretty much stay at the current level it is, at least to the extent your memory allows.  To live and grow into the life story you want for your future, you may need to make a few changes.  You will need to determine what you want that future to look like, explore your current options and decide what direction to go and put a plan of action in place to help you stay on track and make it happen.

Our program can help you do this.  It will help you learn more about yourself and uncover the choices you need to consider as well as what directions you need to head going forward.  We call this Strategy For Your Life™.

Defining The Strategy For Your Life™


The LifeLongU™ process for developing a Strategy For Your Life™ is built around the Steering Wheel of Life™ which is designed to help organize and guide your life by allowing you to take hold of key areas in both hands, determining the specific directions in which you want to move forward, while keeping particular destinations in mind.  

The Steering Wheel of Life™ helps you better understand your “LIFE” (Mind, Body & Soul) which is divided into six “Life Categories”:

  • Financial
  • Career
  • Spiritual
  • Relationships
  • Lifestyle
  • Philanthropy 

Within each of these life categories, you can define different life actions of what you want to Feel, See, Know, Do, Have and Be in your future and lay out a plan of action to make it happen. 

The Steering Wheel of Life™ organizes and provides the infrastructure needed by you to create the Strategy For Your Life™ beginning with the very first workbook, A Life Story Abstract,

which we offer to you as a FREE download and is the place for you to begin.  It provides you with an overview of our program and it’s components, helps you get your bearings and provides you with the start you need to create a great life story for your future.  When you complete this first workbook, if you choose to continue and move forward, you can transfer the information to the workbook called, A Life Story Profile™, which is used to archive what you learn about yourself (past, current & future) as you uncover it from all workbooks.  It presents your life story as a profile of the way you want yourself and your life story to become in your future and provides you the means to track the Strategy For Your Life™, check your progress and stay focused on  your chosen paths.

You can continue moving forward in our program by diving deeper into the next workbook, “A Self-Discovery” and completing a selection of exercises, checkup lists and assessments (selected by you) which were designed to focus on certain key areas of your life.

You can learn much more about how you spend your time, your beliefs, your spiritual gifts, your views and thoughts on your style, money, generosity, travel, social engagements, family, leadership, as well as your personality, behaviors, motivations, values, thinking and learning styles and even your love language.  Again, the results of all your unique information can be moved and organized into your Life Story Profile™ workbook for you to access and use to create that future you and can be completed over a self-managed time-frame.

At this point, you will have gone through two workbooks which helped you better understand yourself,  your past history and your current circumstance.  The next workbook, “A Life Long Plan” provides the infrastructure for you to lay out your future, as you see it unfolding.

It will help you define what you need to do to make your future life story happen.  It helps organize your life desires and goals into the six life categories from the Steering While of Life™, prioritize them and even provides ways for you to break down goals into more manageable tasks.  Like the other two workbooks, you can move this information into A Life Story Profile™ workbook as well, combining all your research and plans for your future into one place.

Our company goal is to help you develop a Strategy For Your Life™ which can help you create the Life Story Profile™ you desire, learn how to use it and adjust it when needed, and hopefully live the life story you want for your future.  The future is unknown by all of us.  However most anyone can develop a strategy, work a plan of action to make things happen more inline with their desires and change their current life story in the days, months and years to come.  This is a life plan strategy.  It takes time to develop and a lifetime to live.

Build Your Support Network With Good Coaches & Mentors


A Good Coach Can Make A Lifetime Of Difference.

The life story you decide to create for yourself is a very big thing.  We are talking about “YOUR LIFE” after all.  We are talking about the person you plan to become in your future and how you want your life story to unfold over your life time.  It’s a big deal, you only have one lifetime to live!  You should want to have as many people and tools helping you succeed as you can.  We all want to get our life story right, don’t we?  A good coach or mentor can help you in almost any life discipline.  They can help you learn, improve, maybe even master parts of your life or simply help you move forward to your next step.  They are tools, just like our program, which must be used to be effective and possibly reach your true potential.

There are many different tools for you to use to help you accomplish a desire, goal or task.  You can use them to gain the knowledge and experience you need to grow your Lifetime Intelligence™ to the point where you become that future you in your own life story and you can become the teacher for others.  After all, one of the ultimate gift’s you can give is to share what you know with someone else and help them to do the same.  You only have one life to live, why not make it a great story!